How to Jump Start Lawn Mower With Screwdriver? To keep the grass in great shape and increment the property’s control bid, a yard cutter should be ready to go. Yet, on the off chance that the battery kicks the bucket, you could need to kick off the lawnmower. You can jump start a lawnmower with a screwdriver if you don’t have jumper cables or another vehicle.
This in-depth essay will teach you how to quickly resume tending to your lush lawn by jumpstarting it with a screwdriver. Let’s read below about How to Jump Start Lawn Mower With Screwdriver?”
Table of Contents
Understanding the Basics
Before you can kick off a dead yard trimmer, you really want to comprehend how it functions and what makes its battery pass on. An electric starter engine is in many cases controlled by a battery in a grass cutter. Age, ill-advised charging, or expanded capacity are three of the numerous likely reasons for a battery’s slow charge debasement. A drained battery delivers the electronic starter engine futile, delivering the customary techniques for beginning the grass trimmer outdated.
Materials Needed
A couple of explicit instruments and materials are expected to kick off a lawnmower utilizing a screwdriver. Before you start, ensure you have the accompanying things:
- Screwdriver: The starter solenoid of the lawnmower can be eliminated utilizing a level head screwdriver that is viable with the screw terminals.
- Safety Gear: Ensure you’re protected prior to anything more. To keep away from hurt, consistently wear defensive stuff, like goggles and gloves.
- Replacement Battery (Optional): In the event that your lawnmower’s battery continues to color, you ought to constantly have an extra battery close by.
- Wrench Set: The battery terminals might require a device set to be taken out.
- Charger (Optional): The other choice is to use a battery charger, which is discretionary yet could prove to be useful, to resurrect a drained battery.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Jump Start Lawn Mower With Screwdriver
You can utilize a screwdriver to kick off your lawnmower in the event that you end up having the accompanying things:
Safety First:
It is absolutely necessary to always operate while wearing gloves and protective eyewear to keep your hands and eyes safe. Turn off the engine and place the lawnmower on a level, solid surface before cutting the grass.
Locate the Starter Solenoid:
Find the lawnmower’s starter solenoid. Typically found near the battery, it highlights two major terminals that are attached with nuts to oblige the battery wires.
Inspect the Battery:
Make certain to review the batteries for clear signs of mileage, similar to erosion or detached associations. Utilize a wrench to fix any free terminals.
Position the Screwdriver:
Embed the flathead screwdriver into the space between the starter solenoid’s two major terminals. Confirm that the screwdriver’s metal tip connects with the two terminals.
Hold the Screwdriver in Place:
With one strong hold, press the screwdriver solidly against the two terminals after it is ready. To avoid getting an electric shock, keep your other hand away from any metal objects.
Engage the Ignition Switch:
Push the “begin” button on your lawnmower in the wake of raising the handle. You can bypass the starting solenoid by directly engaging the starter motor by connecting the screwdriver to the battery.
Listen for Engine Cranking:
Turn the key to the “start” position and hold the screwdriver firmly to hear the engine crank. Assuming that the battery is simply half charged, this ought to turn over the motor.
Remove the Screwdriver:
With the motor turned on and wrenching, eliminate the screwdriver from the space between the terminals. When the engine is running, be careful not to touch any metal that might move.
Monitor the Engine:
At the point when the motor is turned on, the battery gets charged in a matter of seconds by any means. From that point forward, have a go at turning over the motor once more in the event that it slows down or won’t begin.
Consider Charging the Battery:
In the event that you think the battery is drained, charge it totally utilizing a battery charger. Doing so will delay the battery’s duration and prevent any possible issues.
Inspect for Underlying Issues:
Confirm the lawnmower’s battery, charging framework, and wiring once you’ve kicked off it. Fix or supplant any harmed parts to prevent the battery from depleting once more.
Knowing how to utilize a screwdriver to kick off a yard cutter is an ability that can prove to be useful when there’s no other option or when more regular ways don’t work. Be that as it may, to forestall comparable issues from here on out, addressing the fundamental explanation of the drained battery is fundamental. A lawn mower that lasts and works well requires regular maintenance, proper storage, and prompt battery replacement. If you follow our thorough instructions and use excellent maintenance techniques, both your lawn mower and your yard will remain in excellent condition. I hope you like reading “How to Jump Start Lawn Mower With Screwdriver?”

Barry, the expert behind, holds a Master’s degree in Horticulture and brings over 20+ years of hands-on experience in landscaping and lawn care. With certifications in sustainable lawn management, Barry is dedicated to providing readers with authoritative insights and practical tips for maintaining lush, healthy lawns. His extensive knowledge and commitment to excellence ensure that every piece of advice on helps transform your lawn into a green oasis with proven, eco-friendly practices. Connect with Barry on social media: Instagram and Facebook.